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Your Local Connection to NAFIC.

Our State Chapters.

When you join NAFIC, a portion of your dues goes towards your state chapter. At the state level, you are provided with a valuable local connection. Each year at annual meetings or other events you have an opportunity for:

  • Professional development and continuing education
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Networking with peers
  • Local Legislative Goals and Programs
  • Public information campaigns

What if my state doesn't have a State Chapter?

If your state does not have a state chapter you are still able to hold events. Reach out to NAFIC at the national level and they will help you and other volunteers set up a regional meeting. Regional meetings are financed through the NAFIC and usually supported by a registration fee but can include room rental, speaker fees, food and beverage costs. 

Indiana Chapter Officers

Iowa Chapter Officers

Kansas Chapter Officers

Pennsylvania Chapter Officers

Michigan Chapter Officers

Minnesota Chapter Officers

Tennessee Chapter Officers

Wisconsin Chapter Officers

 PO Box 608, Buffalo, MN 55313   | 763-265-3311  |  Contact NAFIC