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NAFIC (The National Association of Fraternal Insurance Counselors) is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization which is a membership association that is operated primarily to promote the common interests of its members. Part of NAFIC's mission is promote through benevolence. We do that by supporting charities, volunteering and offering grants to organizations that our members support. Contributions to section 501(c)(6) organizations are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor’s federal income tax return. If you would like to donate to support NAFIC please fill out the form below. 

A portion of our annual budget each year goes to supporting the NAFIC foundation. The NAFIC Foundation has made a huge difference in many of the charities that NAFIC has supported in the past. They have also donated fund to support our volunteers and food drives. 

Please consider donating to the NAFIC Foundation which is a 501(c)(3) please do that here:

Thank you for your support!

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* Mandatory fields
*First Name
*Last name
*Society / Company
If your society is most commonly abbreviated please use the abbreviation. ie. KJST, GBU. Otherwise type the full name. For independents: Please list out the fraternals you most commonly do business with.
NAFIC Sign-in email.
This is the address you want to receive mail at. If this is blank you will not receive any physical mail.
Address 2
Suite, Unit, etc.
2 Character Abbreviation
*Amount ($USD)

 PO Box 608, Buffalo, MN 55313   | 763-265-3311  |  Contact NAFIC